soft TORIC

to compensate regular astigmatisms

Made with multiple designs, Toric prescription contact lenses offer excellent results in the compensation of astigmatism also in association with presbyopia (p. 12). The stabilization systems, Prismatic (Ballasted) and Dynamic (Slab-off) of new generation, are selected in relation to the specifics of the application.



back toric

The back toric profile favors the stability and orientation of the contact lens in the direction of the main meridians. The base curve is calculated in relation to astigmatism, while the stabilization system is chosen based on eyelid conformation and clinical needs.


  •  Corneal Astigmatism WR/AR: > 0.75/1.00 D.
  • Refractive cylinder: high values.
  • Stabilization: Ballasted Prism, Dynamic.

front toric

The spherical back profile is associated with the front toric correction and the axis orientation is determined by the stabilization system. Ideal to compensate for low astigmatism (WR) and against rule (AR) and with advantage even in irregular shapes.


  • Corneal Astigmatism WR/AR: < 0.75/1.00 D.
  • Refractive cylinder: low values.
  • Stabilization: Ballasted Prism, Dynamic.


BT geometries associate an external cylindrical component to the back toric profile; the posterior surface allows corneal alignment, while the frontal toricity compensates residual astigmatisms.


  •  Corneal Astigmatism: high value or irregular.
  • Refractive cylinder: high values.
  • Stabilization: Ballasted Prism, Dynamic.

stabilizations TSLAC

In the soft toric lens fitting, the factors that influence success are many: opening, orientation and eyelid tension; the direction of the wink; the type, entity and axis of astigmatism.
In these delicate balances, stabilization systems play a key role in the corrective result.

ballasted prism

The asymmetrical prismatic system (about 1.25 PD) stabilizes thanks to the eyelid interaction and the force of gravity. Retriev: 2 nasal lines.


  • Every kind of Astigmatism.
  • Necessity: high needs in stable correction

prismatic truncated

Made only on Back toric surfaces, according to TS know-how; thanks to the alignment with the eyelid, it promotes stability and minimizes rotation of axis. Cut-off: adjustable by degrees.


  • High level of Astigmatism: > 3.00 D.
  • Suggested Polymers: water content <50%

dinamic slab-off

Offers thinner lac with high comfort and no prismatic effects; ideal for symmetrical eyelid openings.
BC: the theoretical radius calculated is narrow by 0,20mm. Repere marks: 3 in Right, 2 in Left eye (see diagram).


  • Every kind of astigmatism
  • When to obtain high comfort and better Dk/t.