ortho-k rgp

rgp design for overnight orthokeratology

Orthokeratology is a non-surgical, transient and reversible refractive procedure that consists in the reduction, variation or temporary cancellation of a visual defect; is a compensatory mode implemented through the fitting of RGP lenses with sophisticated back geometry. Being free from optical aids in the practice of sporting, recreational and professional activities is a factor of great emotional impact that often orients the patient, adequately informed and selected, to choose this type of corrective option.


Orthokeratological lenses act on corneal plasticity, through a transient and reversible change in morphology. This action, of flattening or bending, determines a precise and controlled variation of the ocular refractive power, with a temporary reduction of the ametropy, allowing a clear and clear vision without the use of the correction.
The effective nocturnal action of ESA lenses, for accelerated orthokeratology, allows the rapid and predictable achievement of excellent visual results in myopic, hypermetropic and astigmatic subjects.
The clinical process moves according to the specific and validated criteria of the ESA Ortho6 fitting protocol and the patient selection is a fundamental moment for application success.

esa lenses

The ESA Ortho6 are state-of-the-art lenses, made with high Dk polymers and produced exclusively by TSLAC, according to a patented six curve design.

The results are very rapid: already after the first night a significant visual improvement is observed with the naked eye and the final result is obtained, in most cases, with a single pair of lenses within the first week.
The availability of trial sets allows to verify immediately the compensatory effect of ortho-k lenses.

not only in myopia...

ESA lenses may be adopted in:
– Myopia
– Astigmatism
– Hyperopia
– Keratoconus
– Post Lasik